Course curriculum

    1. Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

    2. Module 1.1: The Seven Elements of Becoming the Expert in How YOUR BODY Wants to Move

    1. Module 2.1: Optimal movement principles

    2. Module 2.2: Becoming aware of your habitual postural and movement patterns

    3. Module 2.3: Re-calibrate neutral pelvis and spine

    4. Module 2.4: Tips for movement practice

    5. Module 2.5: Homework & Practical applications

    1. Module 3.1: Advantages of using hips to mobilize and stabilize pelvis over using core/trunk to mobilize and stabilize pelvis

    2. Module 3.2: Lesson 1: Hip-initiate PPT: Supine with feet on wall (90-90) with towel roll under pelvis

    3. Module 3.3: Lesson 2: Hip-initiated APT: Supine with feet on wall (90-90) with towel roll under pelvis

    4. Module 3.4: Lesson 3: Hip-initiated APT and PPT : Hook-lying with towel roll and without

    5. Module 3.5: Lesson 4: Hip-initiated APT: Hook sitting leaning on hands

    6. Module 3.6: Lesson 5: Hip-initiated APT and PPT: Sitting on a chair – with neutral pelvis and spine

    7. Module 3.7: Lesson 6: Sit- stand with neutral pelvis and spine using a dowel: recognition of use of lower back

    8. Module 3.8: Lesson 7: Hip-initiated APT and PPT: Quadruped: finding neutral - transition to tall kneeling: recognition of use of lower back

    9. Module 3.9: Lesson 8: Hip-initiated APT and PPT: Linebacker stance: finding neutral - transition to standing: recognition of use of lower back

    10. Module 3.10: Homework & Practical applications

    1. Module 4.1: Lesson 1: Sidelying log roll 1: sliding arm and leg

    2. Module 4.2: Lesson 2: Sidelying log roll 2: opening a book

    3. Module 4.3: Lesson 3: Triangle log roll

    4. Module 4.4: Lesson 4: Sitting log roll (chair)

    5. Module 4.5: Lesson 5: Standing log roll against wall, without wall

    6. Module 4.6: Lesson 6: Tall kneeling log roll

    7. Module 4.7: Lesson 7: Half kneeling and split stance log roll

    8. Module 4.8: Homework & Practical applications

    1. Module 5.1: Lesson 1: 3 point log roll (quadruped)

    2. Module 5.2: Lesson 2: Side sit bending and reaching

    3. Module 5.3: Lesson 3: Half kneeling diagonal bending: forward and back

    4. Module 5.4: Lesson 4: Split stance diagonal bending: forward and back

    5. Module 5.5: Homework & Practical applications

    1. Module 6.1: Lesson 1: Crawling

    2. Module 6.2: Lesson 2: Kneeling walk

    3. Module 6.3: Lesson 3: Bowling walk

    4. Module 6.4: Lesson 4: Skater walk/Model walk

    5. Module 6.5: Homework & Practical applications

About this course

  • 52 lessons


Taro Iwamoto

I'm a movement coach with a background in Feldenkrais Method, martial arts, physical rehab, and athletic training. I help people go from feeling overwhelmed and confused about what their body needs and wants and how they should move to feeling connected with their body, understanding their bodies and optimal movement clearly from the inside out so that they can navigate through the world with a sense of ease, comfort, confidence, and authenticity.

Become an expert of YOUR BODY AND MOVEMENT, starting today

Social proof: testimonials

“Never have I ever felt so comfortable in my body as I do now after completing this course with Taro Iwamoto. "Understanding How Your Body Moves" has exactly helped me to understand why I have been experiencing certain issues/struggles in my body movements all this time. The lessons and movements Taro shares, along with understanding why the movements are important to recognize, have helped to refine how I move in all kinds of physical activities in a way to feel better, more at ease and with confidence. Taro creates a fun and engaging learning environment where everyone feels safe and eager to share their experiences both during the zoom sessions and in the facebook group helping us to all learn from each other. Highly recommend this course! ”

Asisthya “Sisi” Muluk from Indonesia

“I made some nice progress in the way I move. The lessons have a nice pace and the instructions are easy to follow. During the course I learned a lot and also realized that there is still a lot to learn and unlearn. The way I move has improved a lot since discovering Taro, and feldenkrais, all thanks to one video from Taro I accidentally stumbled on while browsing YouTube.”

Lex Roet from Netherlands

“This course is one of the most valuable approaches to movement that I've ever experienced. I feel like Taro gave me the keys to understanding why I've had back pain for most of my adult life, and even better, how I can retrain myself in ways that distribute the effort of moving to the parts of my body that are meant to support it, taking the pressure off of my back muscles. For each movement we explored, we learned multiple variations that we use all the time in everyday tasks, and how to do each variation so that it took much less effort. The information was practical and hands-on, and the lessons were well-paced, with plenty of time to explore each movement, and short breaks in between to integrate the experience before moving on to the next. I also love that each session was recorded, as it's allowing me to go back through the sequence and go deeper into the movements at my own pace. If you keep reinjuring yourself in the same way, if you're stuck in a pattern of chronic pain that stretching, chiropractic, and other therapies haven't been able to fix, or if you're looking for a deeper understanding of how to move your body with ease and comfort, this is the course you've been looking for. Thank you, Taro!”

Bonnie Johnston from WA, USA

“The movement practice Taro shares is much more than Feldenkrais training. Taro has incorporated wisdom from his knowledge of many other disciplines and combined them in a comprehensive training of common sense, experience and easy to understand methods to help people understand their bodies and learn movements that they can incorporate into their everyday lives to assist them to live more comfortably and mindfully in their bodies. He encourages everyone in their own capabilities that they can see improvements in their bodies when they have a regular practice of being mindful and continuing to move and explore their possibilities. I have taken Feldenkrais classes, yoga, the Alexander Technique, chi gong and many more body movements and I learned the most about my body and seen more benefits in this course with Taro than I did doing these other forms of movements for years. I highly recommend his course to everyone who wants to feel better in their body and move more easily.”

Susan Thurber from CA, USA

“After what felt like an endless journey through hundreds of sessions spanning physical therapy, Bikram Yoga, chiropractic treatments, and Gyrotonics, I stumbled upon something—or rather someone—truly remarkable. That someone is Taro, my Feldenkrais teacher. For years, I grappled with the aftermath of a torn ACL, an injury that ultimately led to a knee replacement. It was a challenging path, one filled with adjustments and compensations. But then I met Taro. His approach through Feldenkrais was the first that didn't just band-aid the symptoms but delved into the root of my issues, teaching me not just what to fix, but how. Each session with Taro brought new revelations, those "a-ha" moments that anyone who has struggled with chronic pain or physical limitations dreams of. It's not just about the exercises or the movements; it's about relearning how your body can and should move, and Taro is a master at guiding this journey. I'm not alone in my experience. I've joined a growing list of individuals who have had their lives transformed by Taro's expertise and the Feldenkrais method. It's not an overstatement to say that working with Taro has been life-changing. The path to recovery is often long and winding, but with Taro's guidance, it's a journey marked by profound learning and genuine improvement. To anyone considering Feldenkrais or seeking a way out of chronic pain and limited mobility, I cannot recommend Taro enough. His knowledge, patience, and ability to connect with his students are unparalleled. Thank you, Taro, for opening a door to healing and mobility that I thought was permanently closed. ”

David Lambson from USA

“I do feel more confident, in large part because the program validates the tai chi and qigong principles that I’ve been following for seven years, so I also feel increased confidence about applying them to daily practice and life. I would recommend his optimal movement program to a friend absolutely and without hesitation. It’s valuable to know what optimal movement is, and how different it is from the physical training I’ve been doing all my life. He's an excellent, expert, and very patient teacher and effectively model what he teaches.”

Bill, from New York, USA

“Today I ”finished” my 1st round of the course. I have gotten so many gifts to my troublesome left hip and leg from this first time through such as: better ankle awareness for easier dorsiflexion, more awareness of skeletal support for more balance gait even though still using a cane, ability to bend my knee more when walking instead of holding it stiffly, the beginning of more stability in my pelvis, more confidence walking in public, etc. A very interesting awareness has come clear and is a bit humorous to me. Several ways that I habitually used for walking support like a shopping cart in stores, or touching the wall or furniture while walking in the house, I now experience as actually hampering my skeletal support - getting me actually out of alignment and making my muscles compensate in different ways that tire me and cause me back pain! Who knew? I had no awareness of this before this course. I am excited to go through the modules again and see what happens this time as I deepen my practice of body awareness. Thanks to Taro’s course I feel I am beginning to finally get where I need to be. Hurray! ”

Monika McClain from WA, USA

“I just completed Principles of Movement as well as the Comprehensive Movement Course... As as Pilates instructor, we are encouraged to do Continuing Education classes. I am sooo glad that I found this course. Our first Pilates instructor Elizabeth Larkam is a Feldenkrais practitioner as well as a master Pilates instructor.. So, I was exposed to Feldenkrais for the last 25 yrs but your method of instruction was so clear, specific, great progression and fantastic connection to mind-body. Your approach is FUNCTIONAL which applies to every client that we teach here at our studio. There are about 10 clients that are now following you on You Tube... Keep up the great work. I am personally benefiting from this course as well... Thank you Taro”

Cecilia Serra from USA

“Just wanted to let you know how things have been going since starting the course. I have noticed that when sitting I am more in neutral position than my posterior pelvic tilt and I feel centered. My hip movement is improving! When I first tried the exercises sitting on the chair, holding onto one leg and the other one with one hip off the chair I did them facing a mirror. I noticed that I wasn’t keeping my neutral spine position even before I started but that has really improved. I haven’t seen my trainer since May 8th (she was on holiday) and I noticed some things in my session today. My squat has improved - maintaining good neutral spine, no anterior pelvic tilt as I squat. When I came up from squat, and when I did burpees I noticed more pushing from the feet up and glute engagement! When I wasn’t in position my body felt it and I could correct. I am thrilled with how this is going!!!”

Sharon Hundert From Canada

“First few days into my movement guide and I am already learning my habits and have had an AHA moment. What I am learning from my habitual movement is that I create more posterior pelvic tilt (rounding) and my shoulders are forward (flexed). I am much more aware of this through the reps of “neutralizing’ my pelvis. The big fix for me is lifting my sternum which elongates my spine and allows my pelvis to naturally sit allowing my back to flatten out. I am constantly doing this through the day as a reset and it feels great. It’s like relieving pressure. My AHA moment came in module 3.0. As a professional athlete I have alway pushed my spine down through my core thinking that was the way to strengthen my back and posture. When I saw Taro demonstrate that by applying ground pressure the hips become light and create a natural lift….AHA. no pressure or force just light natural tilting of the spine. Definitely on to something. Thanks Taro!”

Louis de Kerillis From USA